The Charlie Russell Chew Choo Experience!

The Charlie Russell Chew Choo Experience  

The information below will help you prepare for your passenger experience on the Charlie Russell Chew Choo. As a passenger, we hope to provide a once (or twice!) in a lifetime opportunity.

The Ride:

  • We board one (1) hour prior to departure
  • The dinner train is a 4.5-hour experience from beginning to end - please plan accordingly.
  • Wi-Fi is limited.
  • Charge your phones – there are no electrical outlets.
  • Though the train is air conditioned, PLEASE dress according to the weather as it can still be warm.
  • For those who may experience motion sickness, please be aware that the train rocks slightly back and forth when moving.

Emergency Services:
An EMT provider is on board throughout the trip with services on stand-by. If you have specific questions in regard to health or access, please contact the Train Coordinator in advance of your trip. (406) 535-5436 or

All seating is assigned prior to boarding. Should you have a large party or wish to sit with others, register at the same time and let us know in the comments section. We will do our best but cannot guarantee adjacent seating.

Food Services:
Gratuity is not included in the ticket price. A token of appreciation left at the table is welcome. The Dinner Train meal is a catered meal and we are not able to make food substitutions on the Train. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Plans Changed?
Our cancellation policy requires a 21-day notice prior to date of departure for refund. Credit card and online processing fees not refunded and a $10 handling charge per ticket will be assessed. Should the dinner train date be cancelled due to act of God or other emergency, details regarding refunds will be communicated at that time.  Your tickets are non-transferrable. If you are no longer able to join us please contact us for a refund

Relax and let your mind wander as we journey together on this excursion.

Learn more about the Charlie Russell Chew Choo:
The history of the train, which will give you a sense of the era in which you are about to embark, can be found HERE >>

All trains board at the Hanover Boarding Station, which is 10 miles and approximately 20-25 minutes from Main St, Lewistown.  Please be sure to allow yourself plenty of driving time.     Map to Boarding Station.
